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JAKARTA,HARIANKOTA.COM – Agensi OMEGA X telah membagikan pembaruan tentang tuntutan hukum terhadap SPIRE Entertainment dan YouTuber In Ji Woong.
Pada 1 April, agensi OMEGA X IPQ merilis pernyataan resmi yang mengumumkan bahwa mereka memenangkan gugatan utama untuk mengakhiri kontrak eksklusif mereka dengan SPIRE Entertainment. Ini adalah kemenangan lain setelah OMEGA X diberikan perintah yang menangguhkan validitas kontrak eksklusif mereka sebelumnya pada Januari 2023. IPQ juga membagikan pembaruan mengenai gugatan terhadap YouTuber In Ji Woong, yang merusak reputasi anggota OMEGA X dengan menyebarkan informasi palsu, dan merencanakan tindakan hukum mereka di masa depan.
Baca pernyataan lengkap agensi di bawah ini:
Hello, this is IPQ Inc.
We would like to inform you of the results of our litigation against SPIRE Entertainment regarding the termination of OMEGA X’s exclusive contract.
In January 2023, OMEGA X won a preliminary injunction lawsuit to suspend the effectiveness of the exclusive contract with SPIRE Entertainment and proceeded with a three-way agreement to terminate the exclusive contract and transfer the IP. During the three-way agreement process,
SPIRE Entertainment caused a reason attributable to spreading falsehoods and it was judged that it was necessary to proceed with a main lawsuit.
The main lawsuit to terminate the exclusive contract proceeded through the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board.
On March 27, 2024, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board acknowledging that Mrs. Kang Sung-hee,
the wife of CEO Hwang Sung-woo of SPIRE Entertainment and a member of the company’s board of directors, had committed assault, verbal abuse, molestation, and intimidation and ruled that SPIRE Entertainment had violated the “the obligation to guarantee personal rights” in the agency contract, resulting in the loss of the agency contract’s validity and termination of the contract.
In addition, the court recognized the substantial mental damage suffered by the members of OMEGA X due to the breach of contract and tortious acts of Kang Sung-hee, the former director of SPIRE Entertainment, and ruled that the claim for damages was justified.
Prior to the ruling, SPIRE Entertainment moved to stay the arbitration and resumption of hearing on the grounds that the tripartite agreement was due to tampering, but the arbitrator denied SPIRE Entertainment’s motion, tating that “the tampering issue is not directly relevant to the determination of the validity of the Agreement at issue, and the remaining circumstances are not sufficient to justify resumption of hearing.”
Accordingly, we would like to inform you of our position and the measures to be taken in the future.
- In March 2023, after winning a preliminary injunction to suspend the effectiveness of the exclusive contract, OMEGA X signed a tripartite agreement with Danal Entertainment and SPIRE Entertainment on behalf of its former manager to terminate the exclusive contract and transfer the IP.
Despite the tripartite agreement, SPIRE Entertainment has been falsely claiming that OMEGA X’s exclusive contract rights were retained by SPIRE Entertainment because it did not execute a termination agreement.
In addition, SPIRE Entertainment has continued to spread a number of falsehoods, including the claim that
the 5 billion won distribution advance that SPIRE Entertainment received from Danal Entertainment was obligated to be returned to OMEGA X members under the tripartite agreement, but that the members did not repay the debt.
As a result, we are taking steps to void the three-way agreement because SPIRE Entertainment has caused
the three-way agreement to be invalidated, and the 5 billion won distribution advance paid by Danal Entertainment will be required to be returned by SPIRE Entertainment. - According to the decision to grant a preliminary injunction to remove the videos filed against
In Ji-Woong (real name Kim Ji-Woong) of the YouTube channel “In Ji-Woong K-pop idol trainer” for spreading
false facts of tampering and seriously damaging the personalities and reputations of the members of OMEGA X,
most of the facts underlying the tampering claimed by In Ji-Woong in his YouTube videos were found to be false. As a result, he is required to remove the existing videos and is prohibited from posting videos with the same content, and is subject to a compulsory payment for each day of violation.
Nevertheless, he continues to post videos in violation of the court’s order,
and we have obtained all evidence of this and will file a claim with the court for an enforcement fine for each day of violation based on the evidence.
The eleven members of OMEGA X endured two years of unusual verbal abuse, assault, molestation,
and gaslighting for the sake of their dreams and their second debut on SPIRE Entertainment, thinking it was their last chance. After enduring countless unreasonable moments for the sake of their entertainment careers, their hard-earned opportunity became publicized when the assault was accidentally witnessed, and they have been courageously appealing to society for help. Nevertheless, until recently, SPIRE Entertainment has continued to inflict secondary and tertiary harm on the members by forcing press conferences that are rife with illegalities.
Currently, the assault case of former SPIRE Entertainment director Kang Sung-hee has been transferred
to the prosecutor’s office for further investigation, and the forced indecent acts are also under police investigation. In addition, defamation and obstruction of business for spreading falsehoods by
SPIRE Entertainment CEO Hwang Sung-woo, Kang Sung-hee and her associates, and YouTuber In Ji-Woong are also under investigation.
We, IPQ, will definitely reveal the truth in the ongoing lawsuits and investigations and do our best to cooperate with the legal actions that will follow.
In order to improve the unjust reality of using the dreams of young people in the wrong way,
we will try our best to bring a little comfort and hope to all those who are struggling with similar situations.
In the midst of any crisis, we and our eleven members will continue our activities with our fans,
who show us endless love and support, and grow stronger together.
In closing, we ask that you please stop spreading falsehoods and unwarranted vitriol,
and that you know that we will continue to pursue legal action and no-holds-barred responses to ensure that the unreasonable and unlawful conduct of SPIRE Entertainment and anyone else involved in this matter is brought to justice.
Thank you.
Pada November 2022, OMEGA X mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mengajukan gugatan untuk mengakhiri kontrak mereka dengan SPIRE Entertainment, serta tuntutan pidana terhadap ketua agensi, setelah mantan CEO (yang juga istri ketua) mendapat kecaman karena dilaporkan memukul anggota di depan umum. Pada Januari 2023, OMEGA X diberikan perintah untuk menangguhkan validitas kontrak eksklusif mereka dengan SPIRE Entertainment, tetapi lebih banyak tuduhan tentang penganiayaan agensi terhadap para idola terus muncul setelah pengunduran diri CEO.
Bulan lalu, SPIRE Entertainment membuat tuduhan lebih lanjut mengenai anggota OMEGA X, yang dibantah IPQ melalui pernyataan panjang.
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